Monday, January 25, 2010

First day (sort of)

Today I showed up on the floor for about 2 hours of computer training and other random orientation. Hubby reminded me that as an hourly employee it doesn't pay to be efficient and a fast learner.  Sad but true.  How bout this for a new policy.  The company measures how long it takes the slowest person to do computer training and we all get paid for as many hours as it takes that person, even if you learn it in say an hour and a half as opposed to two hours.  Just sayin'...
Met a few people, (who I won't actually be working with because that was all day shift and I'm nights) and got the gist of the computerized charting system.  Won't be hard once I get the hang of it but I like to know how to do things immediately and it gives me anxiety thinking that I might have to ask someone for help.  
Got a list of the classes I have to go to and dates so that's good.  Gives me a chance to have some sense of my schedule.  I'm sure the classes will be boring as can since I just did most of this in school but I will be getting PAID for it!!!!  That is still a lovely thing that I have not quite comprehended yet! 
One other thing I found out.  There are no dress code restrictions for scrubs except no all black and no all red.  The mommies don't like it.  I found that very humorous.  There's something really giggle worthy about letting a bunch of post-partum women dictate your attire especially in scrubs! (But you can wear black and red together. )

First night on the floor: Feb. 2. 

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