Friday, February 12, 2010

72 hours, 12 hours of sleep.

Yes, my friends that night nurse that took such good care of you was probably working on an ungodly sleep deficit.  I started work on Monday night, so that was 24 hours awake. Went to bed Tuesday and only slept for 4 hours.  Wasn't happy about that AT ALL! Just couldn't sleep any more. Work Tuesday night. Really really tired. Got pretty flustered doing the PKU tests on my babies. You have to get six penny sized circles of blood on a little piece of paper that the state tests for 20 some genetic diseases. If your circles touch, you have to redo it, if your blood goes outside the circle you have to redo it, if your blood doesn't fill up the circle enough, you have to redo it. And you do the test with the baby under the warmer, great for the baby but if you are a sweating and nervous about doing the test and messing it up, you have the extra bonus of sweating because of the heat as well.  My babies survived. I survived but it was humbling for sure. Home Wednesday morning to find that hubby went out Tuesday night and bought me an electric blanket for my day sleeping bed!!!!!  (Do you hear the angels singing, "Hallelujah!!!!"???)  During the day I sleep in my youngest's room because it was the easiest room to make dark, one window, big tree outside.  But, I get home and it's cold in the house and I'm cold and tired and getting into a cold bed by myself (no one to cuddle with) was making it take about 2 minutes to fall asleep rather than the preferred 30 seconds.  So anyway, I get home and hubby has my blanket on the bed and warmed up.  Heaven. I slept for 5 hours.  I was a new woman. I tell new moms that when the baby sleeps for 5 hours straight you will begin to feel human again. It works for night shifters too! Work Wednesday night. VERY BUSY. Didn't have time to be tired. Seriously. I like being busy so I am not complaining. Give me a busy shift anytime over one where the time crawls from 1:30-4.  Oh and did a PKU on the first try.  Thank you sweet baby for sleeping through it and not kicking at all and being a chunky thing that didn't need the warmer on the whole time and helping me get my confidence back!  Home Thursday. Slept for 3 hours, knowing I wanted to sleep that night too so 3 hours was fine.  Let's add that up shall we... Monday morning to Thursday night: 85 hours total, 12 hours of sleep.  Amazingly crazy but it wasn't as bad as it sounds in actuality. I think I will survive night shift. But I'm really glad that next week is more classes and I get to work days!!!!

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