Sunday, January 24, 2010

It's like the first day of school...

So tomorrow is the first day.  Although it is an easy first day.  I go in for 2 hours of computer training.  I like this easing in to work thing!  I got my new scrubs in the mail the other day.  I ordered them after seeing them posted on another blog, At your Cervix.  Isn't that the best name for a blog ever!!!!   I can't stand cutesy prints on scrubs, maybe if I were in peds just to make the kids happy but I don't know how you get adults to take you seriously when your scrubs are covered in hearts or shamrocks.  So these scrubs have a little more design than solid but not anywhere on the cutesy scale.  I did kind of go overboard on the pink theme without really realizing it.  Oh well, it goes with the baby-mama theme.  One negative is that scrubs just aren't designed for a very petite person.  I got them short enough buying a short but I even in the extra small top I feel like I am either playing dress up or wearing a maternity top.  Seeing as how they are scrubs, I will be working nights and I just don't care that much what I look like, it wasn't worth sending them back and trying a different size.  Priorities, priorities.  At this point the unit doesn't have a dress code.  However, the recruiter told me they've been talking about it for a while so with my luck in the next couple months they will decide all nurses need to wear lime green or better yet BURGUNDY just like nursing school!!!!! 

1 comment:

  1. Those are the prettiest scrubs I've ever seen! Happy first day!
