To some it was known as the Botanical Boogie 5K but we will refer to it as the above!
I was going to have a big build up here on the blog this week leading up to the 5k I entered that was to be run at noon on the day after I worked all night. Seemed like a GREAT blog gimmick. Surely, I thought, the running shoe companies will see how HUGE my blog is and start sending me free stuff. But then my practical side got the best of me. What if I make a big deal out of it and I can't get out of bed after 2 hours of sleep and get to the race? That would probably ruin my chances at a shoe deal!
Anyway, I digress...I did get out of bed after two hours of sleep. I did get my running shoes on. I did toe up at the starting line. I did run 3.1 miles on trails through a county park (my first trail run, liked it!). AND, get this, this is the best part, I'm still shocked, I WON THIRD PLACE IN MY AGE GROUP!!!! And I didn't even get a handicap for sleep deprivation! Third place! I can't believe it. My first running award!
Time was 31:11. Was hoping to break 30 minutes but given sleep issues and trail running (and third place!) I am very happy. And a little sleepy!
September 6
5 months ago